The bizarre extermination case of No. 37 Linjiayuan in Shanghai, China (Story serialization: part 2)

They entered the house when they found the same as that night, the ground is still black human blood, and the small detective heard the sound of children laughing on the second floor, that time close to noon, the small detective was a little baffled on the spot, together with the police station comrades also showed a stunned expression, they ran up to the second floor, but found the original stroller on the ground floor on the stairway but empty at all.

Back to the bureau, the small criminal police reported the situation truthfully, we are very puzzled, that time coincided with the campaign period, we feel odd, but did not say whether it was a bizarre event.

About ten days later, the police station comrades said, according to the neighbors reflect the Lin House No. 37 last night, the second floor lights up. So the leaders of the task force said that this is not weird, maybe this place is what the secret service stronghold, decided to wait for the night ambush. That night was very cold and gloomy, we ambushed around the house.

By midnight when the second floor lights up, rather than light more like a fire. So the lead detective signaled everyone to enter the house, leaving two people outside in case the spies escaped, so three people entered the house, and the young detective was one of them, and there was no strange blood inside the house after entering the house. They quietly walked up to the second floor when no one paid attention to the door closed behind them. The first to the second floor is the last name of the interrogator Huang, he suddenly saw the small interrogator followed by a very horrible expression on his face, the small interrogator went up to take a look, also froze, the second floor and the usual very different, completely large family living room look, there is a very large dining table, from the dining table hanging down a snow-white arm, the arm is still dripping bright red blood, is dripping to the floor.

The interrogator walking at the end suddenly said there was something weird, the young interrogator turned around and saw what was dragging the interrogator, the interrogator showed a frightened expression, the young interrogator was so scared that his legs went weak, at this time suddenly also heard the music of the old phonograph and the sound of children's laughter, he recalled afterwards was very panicked, years later I can still appreciate the horror in his eyes, they were not playing flashlights, the young interrogator recalled At that time, the second floor was very bright, they could only see the arm suddenly the lights went out, and nothing sounded inside the house. People who stayed outside the door later said that they waited outside for ten minutes and heard no sound inside, so they rushed in.

At that time, three police officers went in together, but only two people remained, that the last police officers upstairs disappeared. Things began to get more serious. When the young detective later recalled that the lights went out to the people outside broke in the middle of that moment he felt a red shadow in front of his eyes, and the missing detective also screamed, and later people came in flashlight illumination when he only saw the detective in front of him and he was lying in the parlor room inside.

At that time the branch and the city inside the criminal investigation experts and the East China Military Division and the Ministry of Public Security experts have secretly come here to investigate, but the whole house and no strange places even what dark passages and walls and so on do not exist, so the secret service is ruled out. So who was the one who reported the crime, the technology was not as developed as it is now, so there is no way to verify where the call came from.

The missing detective was later notified as a sacrifice on duty, but the case as an unsolved case has been put, because it is too bizarre so the parties have also been transferred from the police force, after a few years only small detective still remain in the Interpol team, another old detective after that incident has been less stable spirit also retired early from illness. The bureau leadership asked the public to strictly prohibit the disclosure of that night's events. Lin's residence 37 has been uninhabited since then, no one even dares to approach there during the day.

But it's not over yet...

The bizarre extermination case of No. 37 Linjiayuan in Shanghai, China (Story serialization: part 1)

When I was a child living next door to an old detective, because of the young involved in personal life style problems early retirement in the early 80s, he told me some things according to him in the Shanghai Public Security Bureau files can not be found inside, do not know whether it is true or not, but later and some of that era of the elderly asked, some things are surprisingly real. The old detective told me there was a case that had been very peculiar and continued for many years.

The whole thing starts with the 1956 Wuning Road bloodbath.

In 1956, the Wuning Road is still farmland and some farm houses along the street as well as some factory warehouses, the old interpol said there was a sparse population at that time, there were basically few people active at night, at that time it just belonged to Putuo District, the district government just moved to Puxiong Road not much time, he was assigned to the Interpol as a police officer just graduated from the police academy, there is a small residential area not far from the Public Security Bureau. Of course, at that time, the residential area is just some thatched village.

One night he was on duty, the phone rang in the middle of the night. The phone started with a gasp, and then a male or female voice said he had killed someone and had come to turn himself in, the voice was very strange, and the phone was very noisy.

The era of private phones are rare, usually inside the factory or public phones, but public phones at this time basically can not play. At that time, the police asked where the person inside the phone, he said in a residential area three streets away from the Public Security Bureau. The interrogators felt that the situation was very serious, and immediately reported to the director on duty, while informing the local police station. So the bureau can immediately mobilize several criminal police officers were mobilized. At that time, the road was very potholed, they were riding a three-wheeled motorcycle to the residential area, at this time it was dark and could not hear anything, an old detective asked the detective who answered the phone is which house, the detective said it was the Lin House No. 37.

With a flashlight to find No. 37, only to see a local house or brick walls. Push open the outside of this plate door there is a small yard, the interrogator recalled that just into the yard, you see a small whirlwind rolled up leaves on the ground, the atmosphere is very strange, the interrogator loudly asked the house inside someone felling. But no one answered, the house is not lit inside.

Push the door to find the wooden door was topped from the inside. This time the police station police also came. They routinely understand the situation, the original owner of the house fled to Taiwan before liberation, and now the owner of the house was transferred from Hebei to Shanghai to work a man surnamed Ye, the family of four people, surnamed Ye's wife is a cripple, two children, a boy and a girl. This time the old interpol said to find something to top the door.

Small interrogators say it is better to knock on the glass window to enter. The old detective said to pay attention to safety. So they knocked on the glass window, and then the young detective jumped in. The young detective was the one who answered the phone and later relayed the story. He was with a flashlight, but just jumped into the house did not open, after going in and found standing wet feet, the room inside are the smell of blood, and very dark, the small interrogator was very scared, followed the old interrogator came in, but the landing did not stand firm, slipped on the ground old interrogator also felt that the ground is not right, so stand up and open the flashlight to see their body full of blood, the small interrogator more panic, so the two People fumbled to the light switch, open the light was stunned.

This is a parlor room about four square size, only a dining table and a stroller, only to see the ground are dark red liquid, has not reached the bare feet. The young detective said these are what, the old detective is still calm, whispered that this is human blood. The young detective said in a shaky voice how there are so many people blood. After the wooden door was opened, the comrades of the police station went back to call and continue to report to the city's criminal investigation team, leaving the old detective and small detective and two police officers to investigate the scene.

The young detective later recalled that the situation was very strange, the two-story building they looked up and down a person did not, but the blood on the ground in the end who is the owner and where to go. According to the forensic scientist said that the blood is at least six people. But this family but only four people, neighbors said that the family a few months ago the woman took two children back to her mother's house, the male owner or a few days missing. So who was the person who reported the incident in the middle of the night?

About a month after the incident, one day the police got a report from the neighborhood committee, saying that a few children were playing around when they got out of school and found the door of the 37th Lin house was open. We all know that generally this kind of site is posted with a seal. And the male owner of the house was also determined to be missing after the investigation. The investigation team also went to the old home of the mistress, also said that simply did not come back, so unless the owner back or is a thief went in.

Neighbors also know that strange things happen there so it is not going in. The task force sent a small criminal police and the local police station comrades together to check.

Stranger things have happened...

The bizarre extermination case of No. 37 Linjiayuan in Shanghai, China (Story serialization: part 5)

When I was a kid, the old detective liked to take me to play, sometimes running to a place he would tell me some anecdotes, maybe he was too lonely. I have been asking him about how Ye Xianguo later and so on, he is also tight-lipped, once he and I passed An Yuan Road, an alley mouth, he was tired that day, sitting on the side of the road smoking, he said there was a case here before, but also with Ye Xianguo that thing a little related, I said Ye Xianguo appeared again. He took a cigarette and said you do not rush, I tell you a story about a human head, I was very timid, but also very eager to listen.

The story is about the winter of 1963, when Shanghai was very cold in winter. This alley was on Anyuan Road, which goes through to Changshou Road. This alley also has a name called West Beach, as to why it is called West Beach, the old detective said because before the liberation of Suzhou River often flooded, this place was once a piece of mudflat. After the longevity of the road there is the cotton factory, so many textile workers live in this area of the West Beach. The old detective pointed to a courtyard at the entrance of the alley and said that the story happened here, and he asked me what you found different about this house.

Indeed this house looks a little old, next to some of the houses belonging to illegal structures and this house but the courtyard is clearly there are a few points of grandeur. The old detective said 139 Anyuan Road is one of the earliest houses in West Beach, originally a rich farmer, has been preserved until now. At that time, this compound was living in three families, the west wing has been no one live.

At that time, the old criminal police officer had been assigned to the police station, just in charge of this area of the West Beach, one day when he was sorting out the household register found that there were actually four families at 139 Anyuan Road, the fourth family seems to have been no one there after liberation, the family surnamed Tu.

At that time, when the Five Anti-Movement was underway, the political atmosphere was strong, and the masses were very alert to some class enemies. But the West Beach, a gathering of workers, but also dogs and chickens, but leisurely. So the old detective at that time was often walking from house to house day he was chatting with some old people, an old man said to him, do you know who the original owner of 139, this house was originally a Tu family, about this Tu was an ordinary farmer, I do not know why he one day in the north bank of the Suzhou River is the Wuning Road, when he helped others to do long labor from the ground to dig a stone He said that the stone was engraved with something and happened to meet a businessman who came to Shanghai from abroad and bought it at a high price. Perhaps it is a valuable antique, another old man said, from then on this Tu surname will be rich.

Many plots of land here used to be his family's. The old interrogator asked then why this house now his family has no descendants living there. The old man said there is a daughter should be married out. But occasionally will come back, outside people will be treated as if there is no Tu family inside.

One day, the cotton six factory security section called a phone call, said the factory occurred in a murder case, the old detective after all is the origin of the criminal police, so and a few colleagues immediately rushed to the cotton six factory to control the scene. The security section officer let the party canteen Gu aunt described the situation, the cotton factory canteen is in the factory next to a lane inside, one day after the workers finished dining, Gu aunt found responsible for washing vegetables Tu Auxiu in a small room inside the stove, look at the situation is cooking something, Gu aunt said then smelled like burning hooves very fragrant, when the supply of pork was very tight, Gu aunt suspected Tu Auxiu is not stealing Auntie Gu suspected that Tu Ah Xiu was not stealing the meat from the public, so she went inside the hut to ask Tu Ah Xiu, but Tu Ah Xiu ignored her for half a day and continued to fan the stove, as if she was afraid that the fire was not strong enough.

Auntie Gu said she got angry on the spot. You all know that textile workers are very spirited, after taking down the fan, Tu Auxiu mouth does not know what's humming inside a motionless, Auntie Gu lifted the lid of the pot, a hot gas filled the air, the fragrance is very strange than the meat, Auntie Gu said when also a little nauseous, she described a human head floating inside the pot, she passed out at that time. She woke up and found that Tu Auxiu was missing, and reported to the security section. The criminal police asked who this Tu Auxiu was, and the security officer said that after understanding the verification, this Tu Auxiu was a native of Shanghai, but married to Suzhou and returned to Shanghai a few years ago, and was said to have some mental problems. At that time, the streets arranged for her to do odd jobs inside the factory, but usually nothing. So who is that head do you know, the security section officer said, the head has been cooked rotten simply can not see clearly look. The detective realized that he had to find Tuasiu immediately. So he called the branch of the Interpol team, coincidentally an old colleague on duty, immediately that afternoon, the branch sent to the scene forensics and instructed the security section first do not publicize, and then informed the City Bureau to let people in the station dock respectively strict investigation.

The story is not finished... To be continued...

Horror! The head-subjugation technique is actually real? It actually kills people invisibly!

Head-subjugation is a sequence that we often see in movies, brutally putting a living being to death. Thailand's sorcery is particularly prominent. China's Sichuan, Yunnan and other compulsions and surrender is also a deep origin, so surrender is real? Is it really as deadly as in the movie? The following for you to reveal the séance!

Head surrender, from a step-by-step perspective, lies in the "surrender" and the "head". The "surrender" refers to the spell or medicine and compulsion used to cast the spell; the "head" refers to the individual being cast, and includes the "individual contact grasp" of the individual being cast.

And "medicine down" and "compulsion", like the indigenous women of the South Pacific region, it is commonly used to deal with negative lovers, in order to prevent the other party to cheat on their feelings, breaking the promise to come back to marry, so before the other party left, the drug will fall in the food, so that the other party will be mixed with the drug food to eat.
However, this is only a statement, in fact, surrenders are used in many places, women use surrenders are to keep the beloved man, while some places use surrenders are to be able to harm people, which is reflected in many film and television productions.

a).Yin Yang grass surrender technique

It is said that the yin and yang grasses grow together, one thick and one thin, the thick being the yang and the thin being the yin, and they usually grow together.
After the surrender, the herb will grow quietly in the human body until a certain amount, then it will be derived at an alarming rate. At this time, the victim will inexplicably start a high fever, and then die of madness! When they die, the yin and yang grass will come out of their bodies, and the dead body will look like a scarecrow.
The scary thing about this type of séance is that it is the most difficult "absolute séance" in the séance world, and the only way to die is to wait for it.

Is the Bell Witch incident a very strange case of a ghost killing people?

The Bell Witch incident was a very eerie case of ghostly murder, as described by the seventh President of the United States, Andrew Jackson, who said, "I would rather face the entire British fleet than spend one night in the Bell home." Strange things often happened in this very eerie town, such as the Bell Witch incident, which even scientists cannot explain.

The Bell Witch murders in Tennessee, USA are very famous and have been confirmed by the US government as a paranormal killing incident, marking the first time the US government has recognized such an event. This paranormal incident is well-known in the United States and has brought considerable panic to the locals in Tennessee. Some people even erected a tombstone for her in hopes of finding peace. She destroyed the Bell family and caused their deaths one by one, becoming a demon in people's minds, hence the name "Bell Witch".

In the year 1800, John Bell and his family moved to Tennessee and purchased a lot of land, which made them wealthy landowners in the area. John also served as an elder in the Red River Baptist Church. A few years after they moved, John's three children were born.

One day in 1817, while busy in the field, Bell suddenly saw a strange creature with the head of a rabbit and the body of a dog. When he tried to get a better look, the creature disappeared. But from that point on, they frequently encountered strange happenings. The first time was when they were awoken in the middle of the night by screams, but when Bell and his son went out to investigate, they could not find the source of the noise.

General Jackson was a tamer of witches. During this taming, a usually brave warhorse was unable to move forward. Sensing that something was wrong, General Jackson encouraged his soldiers loudly, telling them not to fear the Bell Witch. But before he could finish speaking, he heard the Bell Witch say to him, "I'll see you tonight." After the witch finished speaking, the horse inexplicably ran, carrying its rider to John Bell's farm.

General Jackson was dominated by fear, and at this very moment, he suddenly let out a scream. He felt a force hitting him and he was in excruciating pain all over his body. Then he was pulled by this force and taken outside, disappearing into the wilderness. No one dared to come forward to help him when they heard his screams.

After this incident, John also began to feel unwell. He felt like he couldn't breathe and couldn't eat, so he became increasingly weak. In 1820, he heard a woman calling his name in his ear, her voice was very mournful and there was a force that was hitting him. He could no longer hold on and lay in bed.

In late 1820, John's condition had deteriorated beyond recovery, and he passed away a few days after falling into a coma. Strangely, his son found a small bottle containing green liquid by his bedside, which he found highly suspicious. He used the liquid to feed a kitten, and the kitten died, leading him to suspect that someone had poisoned his father. While investigating the matter, John's son heard a woman's voice, which told him that she had poisoned his father and did so to free him. However, there was no one around him, and he was terrified. During John's elaborate funeral, the voice of the woman was heard again, causing great fear among the attendees.

Why do Chinese zombies wear Qing dynasty official robes?

Most Chinese people have probably watched the zombie movies starring Lam Ching-ying, a Hong Kong artist. At that time, the zombie movie genre had just emerged, but it had already reached its peak. No one has made any classic zombie movies like Lam's since then. The unchanging zombies in Qing dynasty official robes, clichéd and boring plots, and poor acting are all problems. So the question is, why are all zombie movies obsessed with Qing dynasty official robes?

The reason why zombies wear Qing Dynasty official costumes has a great connection with the Manchu's entry into China proper in the past. When the Manchus established the Qing Dynasty by entering Shanhaiguan, they learned from the lessons of the Yuan Dynasty's rulers being assimilated by Han culture and eventually perished. Therefore, the Manchus promoted Manchu culture throughout the country, including making Han people wear Manchu clothes and cutting their hair in the Manchu style.

This policy of the Qing Dynasty was strongly resisted by the Han people, and as a result, the Qing Dynasty resorted to massacres to solve the problem. This led to massacre events such as the Ten Days of Yangzhou, the Three Massacres of Jiading, and the Sichuan Massacre. At that time, the whole country was full of corpses, and in the southern region, there arose the profession of corpse transporters, who were responsible for transporting corpses back to their hometowns. In order to save labor, a method was invented that allowed the corpses to walk in a jumping motion alongside the transporter, which is also the earliest prototype of zombies.

Therefore, the Qing Dynasty created too much killing and caused dissatisfaction among the people. Dressing the corpses in Qing official robes was a way to show contempt for the Qing Dynasty. In addition, in ancient times, it was traditional to add glory to the deceased, and portraits were always depicted in official clothing. Therefore, wearing official clothing after death became a tradition. Later, in movies, the fixed image of a Qing Dynasty zombie wearing official clothing was formed.

In addition, many filmmakers follow the latest trends and often jump on the bandwagon of popular themes. After the first zombie movie received widespread acclaim, many people copied its settings to shoot movies of the same genre. Therefore, the setting of zombies wearing Qing Dynasty clothing was passed down.

In addition, the official uniforms of the Qing Dynasty were mainly blue and black, which gives people a gloomy feeling. When combined with the pale or terrifying faces of zombies, it can create a good atmosphere of horror. Therefore, zombies in movies have always been dressed in Qing Dynasty official uniforms. In some TV dramas, even the four ancient zombie kings from a distant era are dressed in Qing Dynasty official uniforms, which is somewhat regrettable.

50,000 mysterious missing soldiers of ancient Persia vanished in an instant! Suspected to have been buried alive in the desert?

In the 6th century BC, Persian Emperor Cambyses II led an army to invade Egypt. On the way of the attack, a 50,000-strong army suddenly disappeared. The mysterious disappearance of the ancient Persian army aroused great interest among archaeologists around the world. Archaeologists discovered a large number of bodies of the missing Persian army in the desert.

According to European history, a Persian army of 50,000 people arrived at an oasis town after a six-day journey. However, on the seventh day after arriving at the town, the entire army of 50,000 people suddenly disappeared, with no indication of where the missing Persian army went.

The legend of the Ammonites goes like this: The expedition left the small town and entered the Ammonite desert. When the legion reached the middle between Ammon and the oasis, it stopped eating and suddenly a fierce south wind blew and buried the Persian legion alive. The mysterious disappearance of the ancient Persian army has attracted great interest from archaeologists around the world.

The mysterious disappearance of the ancient Persian army has sparked great interest in the field of archaeology. Since the 18th century, people have been searching for the remains of the army, but no one has found anything. Therefore, many scholars believe that this is just a story by Herodotus. However, the discovery by these two Italian archaeologists is expected to prove Herodotus's innocence. Angeno and Alfredo are brothers who were renowned in the golden city of Egypt twenty years ago.

Angeno and Alfredo have been researching the disappeared Persian army since 1996. In 2004, they organized an inspection team to excavate in the target area. The research team used modern technology to conduct the investigation. First, they surveyed the topography of the desert area to reduce the historical analysis of Herodotus, and used ground-penetrating radar to locate the metal carried by soldiers to narrow down their place of death.

The research team first excavated iron near Siwa and soon discovered a cave in a place called Harga. This kind of cave is common in the desert, but it is the only one in Harga. The size of the cave is very suitable for avoiding sandstorms.

The ancient Persian soldiers' inspection team excavated dry bones and copper in the cave. They also excavated silver arm rings, earrings, and collars near the cave. Experts compared the Acheminid artifacts previously unearthed in Turkey to determine that these artifacts belong to Gambisis II in the 5th century BC. The inspection team also found hundreds of bone graves, and it is believed that more remains of the disappeared Persian army have been found in the area.

Perhaps this discovery can uncover the mysterious story of the Persian army. Archaeologists have found some white bone graves buried in this area. More remains of the Persian army can also be found. The mystery of the disappeared Persian army will eventually be uncovered one by one.