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Is the old Changi Hospital real Yes, it exists and is known for being haunted with reports of ghostly experiences in its morgue and torture rooms.

The Old Changi Hospital is a haunted hospital in Singapore, built in the 1930s and closed in February 1997. It has been rumored to be haunted for a long time, especially in the mortuary and the torture room, which are the most haunted places. However, these are all rumors and it is difficult to say whether they are true or not. However, the hospital does exist and let's take a look at it together.

The Old Changi Hospital is a real existing place that was built in the 1930s and officially closed in February 1997. It is now a haunted old building that people often venture into. Because many of the explorers have reported ghost sightings in the hospital, and the rumors of ghostly activity have been circulating since the 1940s, the Old Changi Hospital is also one of the most famous haunted places in Singapore.

1.The history of the Old Changi Hospital.

The Old Changi Hospital is located on Netheravon Road in Changi Village in the east of Singapore and was built by a British architect in the early 20s and completed in the 30s. It is a 7-story classical building and the opposite of the hospital is Changi Prison. The hilltop of the Old Changi Hospital offers a view of most of the east and south of the island, so it was designated as a military guard post in the east of Singapore by the British.

During the decade before World War II, the Old Changi Hospital was used as a military headquarters and barracks. During the Japanese invasion of Singapore, Changi area was considered the first target of attack, and on the second day of the attack, the Old Changi Hospital was occupied by the Japanese and converted into a military hospital for injured soldiers and civilians. The Old Changi Hospital was officially closed in February 1997, and is now a dilapidated site.

2.Ghost rumors.

The rumors of the Old Changi Hospital being haunted started as early as the 1940s, as the hospital witnessed events during World War II such as the fall of Singapore and the mistreatment of prisoners of war. People have reported seeing ghostly apparitions of different nationalities roaming the hospital. The rumors are said to have originated from this traumatic history. The second floor torture room is considered one of the most haunted areas, along with the mortuary.

The torture room was enclosed by red and white plastic, it was the only room in the whole hospital that was like this. It was different from the other rooms in the hospital in that the end of the wall was completely independent and was built from sturdy materials, and there was no paint on the walls. What's more, there was an iron chain inside, one end hanging loosely while the other end was fixed to the wall, and you can still see dark purple-red bloodstains on the floor.

3.The truth about the haunted rumors.

The Old Changi Hospital has a history of over 70 years and has experienced World War II. Many documents prove that during the war, many "important" citizens and prisoners of war were detained at the Old Changi Hospital, but most of them never appeared again and were probably beaten to death in the hospital's torture chambers. Under this background, ghostly rumors emerged for various reasons, but it is hard to say whether they are true or false. The author leans towards the rumors being just hearsay. Of course, there are many haunted places in the world, and friends who are interested can continue to follow my blog.

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Where is the ghost building in Shenyang, China located? Have many death events occurred there?

For those who are interested in paranormal events, it is worth getting to know the story of China's Shenyang Ghost Building in Tieli. It is said that residents here always hear mysterious laughter in the middle of the night, and some have found themselves waking up from a sleep on the second floor to find themselves on the fourth floor or even on the ground floor. All sorts of strange things happen here, so where exactly is the Shenyang Ghost Building located? Let's take a look together!

1.Where is the Shenyang Ghost Building located?

The location of the ghost building in Shenyang is near Wanda Square in Tiexi, Shenyang. The building is two panel residential buildings, built in the style of the 1970s, located at No. 31 and No. 33, Yanfen Street, Shenliaozhong Road. It has nine floors and was originally run by a collective economic housing development company, but it has since stopped operations due to funding issues and is now virtually an empty house with no one living there.

2.What is the story behind the Shenyang Ghost Building?

The predecessor of the Shenyang Ghost Building was quite lively. At that time, a bathhouse and a door and window store were opened in building 31, and building 33 was connected to building 31. Building 33 was a housing development company, but after the company went bankrupt, a Yongshanli store was opened in 1998. At this time, there were many deaths in building 31, which may be one of the reasons for the later spread of supernatural events.

When the 31 building was just built, a person was crushed to death by a collapsing wall. When all the floors started to move in and decorate, another room had an accident. It is said that a worker was lazy when decorating and threw the wall skin he had taken down out of the window. As a result, he accidentally killed a scavenger. After the decoration, a mentally ill person died of frostbite because it was too cold to spend the night in the hallway.

3.The supernatural events of the Shenyang Ghost Building.

At the beginning of the haunting in the Shenyang Ghost Building, people didn't pay much attention to it. It was said that some residents remembered sleeping comfortably in their beds the previous night, but when they woke up they found themselves lying on the ground. At the time, people thought they were sleepwalking or had accidentally fallen out of bed, but the paranormal events that followed became increasingly frequent.

At first, guests who slept on the third floor found themselves sleeping in someone else's home the next day. Some people who slept next to their wives woke up to find a strange woman lying next to them. They later found out that they had slept in their neighbor's house across the hall. You may not think this is too scary, but the situation became increasingly out of control.

The winter nights in Shenyang are always very long, it's dark around four o'clock every day, and at that time the residents of the area usually finished work and started lighting up their homes to cook. However, it was often discovered that the food that was just cut suddenly disappeared for no reason, and when residents were putting oil in the pan, the food disappeared again when they turned their heads. It can be said that almost all the residents of the haunted building in Shenyang were scared, but it is still unknown today whether these things were true or false, whether it was a coincidence or intentional, but the haunted building in Shenyang is still not as scary as the top ten haunted houses in the Chinese ghost house ranking.

Penang Ghost King True Event: After casting a spell on a man (the man drank water violently/ate raw meat)

The Penang Ghost King is very well known in Southeast Asia, with rumors that he is highly skilled in head-lowering spells, and is the strongest head-lowering spell master in Southeast Asia. His body is covered with various talisman tattoos, which are said to be immune to all poisons. But is it true or false? Let's take a look!

1.Who is the Penang Ghost King?

The Penang Ghost King, whose real name is Situ Fazheng, according to his own description, was abandoned by his relatives due to a serious illness when he was young. He was close to death and therefore, with the last bit of hope, he prayed to the gods and ghosts for help, stating that whoever could save him, he would offer everything. This is how he made a contract with the devil, and thus began his journey as the Ghost King. The devil protected him from illness throughout his life, but he had to constantly increase his magic power to scare off evil spirits and ghosts.

2.The real story of the Penang Ghost King.

The Penang Ghost King is most skilled in casting spells on people. In his basement, there are many photos of live people hanging, as well as numerous images of artifacts, ghosts, and spirits. According to him, these are all people he has cast spells on. For just 3000 MYR, anyone can hire him to cast a spell on someone else. There was once a man in Penang that the Ghost King cast a spell on using poison, such as snakes, scorpions, and spiders, even adding the ovarian sacs, eggs, and venom of the black widow spider. It is said that the spell can cause death, while casting spells can control another person's will and even produce hallucinations.

The man who was later cursed by the Penang Ghost King actually developed symptoms of fever and extreme thirst, which eventually led him to start drinking water like crazy every day until his stomach could no longer hold. According to the Penang Ghost King, he would then exhibit a love for eating raw meat, and the raw meat he ate was the food for the larvae, which would then grow and start to feed on the person's stomach and organs, ultimately leading to death by misadventure, even seeking a doctor could not cure it.

In the basement of the Penang ghost king, there is also a very strange photo of a woman. It is said that the woman in the photo committed suicide for love and that the ghost king inadvertently found her with nowhere to go and brought her home. She can help the ghost king predict some questions about marriage, so as long as someone comes to ask about marriage, they can find her. If you see the woman blink in front of the photo, it means that there is hope for marriage, but if you don't see the woman move, it means that there is no hope for marriage, similar to the Thai practice of keeping a ghost child.

Is the Belmez Faces ghost real? Mysterious and unknown events (could be hoaxes)

The Bellmunt ghost face has always been a very mysterious unknown event, and it was revealed later that it was not true. The time when the Bellmunt ghost face occurred was actually in Spain, in a house where a very bizarre face appeared without reason. This incident may not have happened just once or twice to one person, and many people felt that it was the work of ghosts, while others believed it was a practical joke.

1.Where does the Bellmize ghost face appear?

Actually, in a village in the Spanish city of Cordoba, many villagers say that a farmer's home has a ghost face, and the woman is named Maria. It is known that Maria was making breakfast for her family in the kitchen when suddenly a face of a person appeared under her feet. At that time, the expression on this face was very cruel and looked like there was no color painted, so Maria was frightened. Originally, she wanted to wipe it off as soon as possible, but she couldn't no matter how hard she tried. And the more she wiped, the longer and larger the eyes of the ghost face became. Many people spread the news that Maria's house was haunted.

A few days later, Maria asked her son to quickly remove the tiles in the kitchen and replace them with concrete. However, to her surprise, after a few days, the face reappeared in the same place and was even more noticeable. It was clearly a male face and many people were curious and came to Maria's house to see it. Regardless of using cleaning agents or sharp tools, the face on the ground was not damaged in any way.

2.What is the truth behind decoding the Belmez ghost face?

Actually, these ghost faces are all a good scam, mainly for making money. After being examined in hospitals, many things are actually intended to attract people to come and watch, so that it will become a peak tourist season. People can make money from photography, such as taking pictures with ghost faces, thus earning a lot of profit.

Later, after being researched by psychology enthusiasts, many of these ghostly faces were found in Maria Goméz's house after her death. In fact, the method of making them is very simple. Firstly, the floor is soaked, then after the water stain dries, a distinct image is found and then retraced using water, oil, and vinegar, which basically ensures that it won't fade away.