The bizarre extermination case of No. 37 Linjiayuan in Shanghai, China (Story serialization: part 1)

When I was a child living next door to an old detective, because of the young involved in personal life style problems early retirement in the early 80s, he told me some things according to him in the Shanghai Public Security Bureau files can not be found inside, do not know whether it is true or not, but later and some of that era of the elderly asked, some things are surprisingly real. The old detective told me there was a case that had been very peculiar and continued for many years.

The whole thing starts with the 1956 Wuning Road bloodbath.

In 1956, the Wuning Road is still farmland and some farm houses along the street as well as some factory warehouses, the old interpol said there was a sparse population at that time, there were basically few people active at night, at that time it just belonged to Putuo District, the district government just moved to Puxiong Road not much time, he was assigned to the Interpol as a police officer just graduated from the police academy, there is a small residential area not far from the Public Security Bureau. Of course, at that time, the residential area is just some thatched village.

One night he was on duty, the phone rang in the middle of the night. The phone started with a gasp, and then a male or female voice said he had killed someone and had come to turn himself in, the voice was very strange, and the phone was very noisy.

The era of private phones are rare, usually inside the factory or public phones, but public phones at this time basically can not play. At that time, the police asked where the person inside the phone, he said in a residential area three streets away from the Public Security Bureau. The interrogators felt that the situation was very serious, and immediately reported to the director on duty, while informing the local police station. So the bureau can immediately mobilize several criminal police officers were mobilized. At that time, the road was very potholed, they were riding a three-wheeled motorcycle to the residential area, at this time it was dark and could not hear anything, an old detective asked the detective who answered the phone is which house, the detective said it was the Lin House No. 37.

With a flashlight to find No. 37, only to see a local house or brick walls. Push open the outside of this plate door there is a small yard, the interrogator recalled that just into the yard, you see a small whirlwind rolled up leaves on the ground, the atmosphere is very strange, the interrogator loudly asked the house inside someone felling. But no one answered, the house is not lit inside.

Push the door to find the wooden door was topped from the inside. This time the police station police also came. They routinely understand the situation, the original owner of the house fled to Taiwan before liberation, and now the owner of the house was transferred from Hebei to Shanghai to work a man surnamed Ye, the family of four people, surnamed Ye's wife is a cripple, two children, a boy and a girl. This time the old interpol said to find something to top the door.

Small interrogators say it is better to knock on the glass window to enter. The old detective said to pay attention to safety. So they knocked on the glass window, and then the young detective jumped in. The young detective was the one who answered the phone and later relayed the story. He was with a flashlight, but just jumped into the house did not open, after going in and found standing wet feet, the room inside are the smell of blood, and very dark, the small interrogator was very scared, followed the old interrogator came in, but the landing did not stand firm, slipped on the ground old interrogator also felt that the ground is not right, so stand up and open the flashlight to see their body full of blood, the small interrogator more panic, so the two People fumbled to the light switch, open the light was stunned.

This is a parlor room about four square size, only a dining table and a stroller, only to see the ground are dark red liquid, has not reached the bare feet. The young detective said these are what, the old detective is still calm, whispered that this is human blood. The young detective said in a shaky voice how there are so many people blood. After the wooden door was opened, the comrades of the police station went back to call and continue to report to the city's criminal investigation team, leaving the old detective and small detective and two police officers to investigate the scene.

The young detective later recalled that the situation was very strange, the two-story building they looked up and down a person did not, but the blood on the ground in the end who is the owner and where to go. According to the forensic scientist said that the blood is at least six people. But this family but only four people, neighbors said that the family a few months ago the woman took two children back to her mother's house, the male owner or a few days missing. So who was the person who reported the incident in the middle of the night?

About a month after the incident, one day the police got a report from the neighborhood committee, saying that a few children were playing around when they got out of school and found the door of the 37th Lin house was open. We all know that generally this kind of site is posted with a seal. And the male owner of the house was also determined to be missing after the investigation. The investigation team also went to the old home of the mistress, also said that simply did not come back, so unless the owner back or is a thief went in.

Neighbors also know that strange things happen there so it is not going in. The task force sent a small criminal police and the local police station comrades together to check.

Stranger things have happened...

