The bizarre extermination case of No. 37 Linjiayuan in Shanghai, China (Story serialization: part 5)

When I was a kid, the old detective liked to take me to play, sometimes running to a place he would tell me some anecdotes, maybe he was too lonely. I have been asking him about how Ye Xianguo later and so on, he is also tight-lipped, once he and I passed An Yuan Road, an alley mouth, he was tired that day, sitting on the side of the road smoking, he said there was a case here before, but also with Ye Xianguo that thing a little related, I said Ye Xianguo appeared again. He took a cigarette and said you do not rush, I tell you a story about a human head, I was very timid, but also very eager to listen.

The story is about the winter of 1963, when Shanghai was very cold in winter. This alley was on Anyuan Road, which goes through to Changshou Road. This alley also has a name called West Beach, as to why it is called West Beach, the old detective said because before the liberation of Suzhou River often flooded, this place was once a piece of mudflat. After the longevity of the road there is the cotton factory, so many textile workers live in this area of the West Beach. The old detective pointed to a courtyard at the entrance of the alley and said that the story happened here, and he asked me what you found different about this house.

Indeed this house looks a little old, next to some of the houses belonging to illegal structures and this house but the courtyard is clearly there are a few points of grandeur. The old detective said 139 Anyuan Road is one of the earliest houses in West Beach, originally a rich farmer, has been preserved until now. At that time, this compound was living in three families, the west wing has been no one live.

At that time, the old criminal police officer had been assigned to the police station, just in charge of this area of the West Beach, one day when he was sorting out the household register found that there were actually four families at 139 Anyuan Road, the fourth family seems to have been no one there after liberation, the family surnamed Tu.

At that time, when the Five Anti-Movement was underway, the political atmosphere was strong, and the masses were very alert to some class enemies. But the West Beach, a gathering of workers, but also dogs and chickens, but leisurely. So the old detective at that time was often walking from house to house day he was chatting with some old people, an old man said to him, do you know who the original owner of 139, this house was originally a Tu family, about this Tu was an ordinary farmer, I do not know why he one day in the north bank of the Suzhou River is the Wuning Road, when he helped others to do long labor from the ground to dig a stone He said that the stone was engraved with something and happened to meet a businessman who came to Shanghai from abroad and bought it at a high price. Perhaps it is a valuable antique, another old man said, from then on this Tu surname will be rich.

Many plots of land here used to be his family's. The old interrogator asked then why this house now his family has no descendants living there. The old man said there is a daughter should be married out. But occasionally will come back, outside people will be treated as if there is no Tu family inside.

One day, the cotton six factory security section called a phone call, said the factory occurred in a murder case, the old detective after all is the origin of the criminal police, so and a few colleagues immediately rushed to the cotton six factory to control the scene. The security section officer let the party canteen Gu aunt described the situation, the cotton factory canteen is in the factory next to a lane inside, one day after the workers finished dining, Gu aunt found responsible for washing vegetables Tu Auxiu in a small room inside the stove, look at the situation is cooking something, Gu aunt said then smelled like burning hooves very fragrant, when the supply of pork was very tight, Gu aunt suspected Tu Auxiu is not stealing Auntie Gu suspected that Tu Ah Xiu was not stealing the meat from the public, so she went inside the hut to ask Tu Ah Xiu, but Tu Ah Xiu ignored her for half a day and continued to fan the stove, as if she was afraid that the fire was not strong enough.

Auntie Gu said she got angry on the spot. You all know that textile workers are very spirited, after taking down the fan, Tu Auxiu mouth does not know what's humming inside a motionless, Auntie Gu lifted the lid of the pot, a hot gas filled the air, the fragrance is very strange than the meat, Auntie Gu said when also a little nauseous, she described a human head floating inside the pot, she passed out at that time. She woke up and found that Tu Auxiu was missing, and reported to the security section. The criminal police asked who this Tu Auxiu was, and the security officer said that after understanding the verification, this Tu Auxiu was a native of Shanghai, but married to Suzhou and returned to Shanghai a few years ago, and was said to have some mental problems. At that time, the streets arranged for her to do odd jobs inside the factory, but usually nothing. So who is that head do you know, the security section officer said, the head has been cooked rotten simply can not see clearly look. The detective realized that he had to find Tuasiu immediately. So he called the branch of the Interpol team, coincidentally an old colleague on duty, immediately that afternoon, the branch sent to the scene forensics and instructed the security section first do not publicize, and then informed the City Bureau to let people in the station dock respectively strict investigation.

The story is not finished... To be continued...

