The bizarre extermination case of No. 37 Linjiayuan in Shanghai, China (Story serialization: part 6)

Tu Ah Xiu disappeared, to the middle of the night, the West Beach patrol of the old man Zhang said 139 Anyuan Road, the west room has lights on, the people inside has been singing Shanghai opera, next to the neighbors are too noisy to sleep. The old detective had been on duty that night because of the incident at the Sixth National Cotton Factory, so he took a flashlight and rode his bicycle to 139 Anyuan Road, and when he entered the door, it suddenly occurred to him that the owner of 139 should be surnamed Tu ah, there is a daughter, right? The criminal police's natural professional alertness told him that there is likely to be a connection.

After entering the compound, several men stood at the door of the west room, said to the interpol, comrade police you finally came, we are the night shift, and tomorrow to the morning shift of how to sleep ah, only to hear a husky female voice in the west room singing the Shanghai opera Luohan money singing, and has been repeating those lines. The light is not very bright, perhaps lit by oil lamps.

The interrogators asked if you had been inside. This psychotic woman locked the door and we could not get in. I don't know what's going on in there. What is the name of this woman, the men said her name is Ah Xiu. The interrogator thought to himself that the original Tu Ah Xiu had come to hide in the old house. In view of the current situation he immediately told the neighbors to evacuate to the outside, and then asked old man Zhang to go to the police station to notify other comrades to come over and open the door and report to the branch.

The police force to the top of the broken door, it is estimated that the inside with what wood and so against the glass window next to a place is glued newspaper, the police poked the newspaper, in the dim oil lamp he saw Tu Ah Xiu sitting with his back to the door with his head hanging very low, can only see a back. She is facing a stove, there is a pot, as if burning something, but the lid of the pot is open, the heat formed inside the room like a layer of mist, Tu Ah Xiu is still singing, although the tune is the tune of Luohan money, but the interrogator heard her singing intermittently (you want to head back, you know, and so on).

The interrogator said at the time he thought did Tu Ah Xiu commit another crime, he thought directly that the pot may be a human head inside, Tu Ah Xiu seems to be a psychopathic murderer. Soon a few more interrogators came, and a few of them pushed open the wooden door, only to see Tuasu continue humming as if he hadn't heard. One of the interrogators used a gun to poke Tuasiu's back, saying Tuasiu is not allowed to move, you are under arrest, but this poke surprisingly Tuasiu fell down. The old interrogator said the things behind you simply can not imagine the horror.

At that time in the room in addition to Tu Ah Xiu on the three interrogators, they saw Tu Ah Xiu fell down, and found that it was a headless body, but no blood, this time the room or someone singing, the interrogators were shocked to find that the sound was issued from the steaming pot, only to see a human head tumbling inside the pot, has been a little burned, but that reveals the skull of the human head The mouth sings ((lyric to the effect: Mr. Ye you do not take back, my father refused, you know).

At this time a sudden whirlwind, oil lamps were scraped out, in the southwest corner of the house rang a long sigh. Several police officers were scared back to the door, after a few minutes, they fumbled to open the flashlight, but the house in addition to them, there is no other living person, I do not know the sigh of relief and who is issued. At dawn, some experts from the city bureau also came, the house no longer have that voice, Tu Ah Xiu murdered and then committed suicide, this is the conclusion that the experts were able to make. As for the story of the human head singing can only be said to be a hallucination of a few police officers were too nervous at the time. Although the people who heard the song were not only a few interrogators, but the matter was still concluded in this way. The body of the man killed by Tu Ah Xiu in the cotton factory was later found, the victim was a foreign businessman who came to Shanghai and died in a small hotel in the old North Station, the hotel attendant said Tu Ah Xiu had run out of the man's room in a hurry, but the room did not wear any strange sounds throughout. Just she left with a travel bag printed with the word Shanghai in her hand. Interpol team checked the passenger check-in list and found that the name of this passenger is Ye Xianguo. Is a native of Shandong Province, Texas, came to Shanghai to purchase daily necessities. See this name old interpol then a jolt, because this name is too familiar, although with Ye Xian Guo a little different. So how did Tu Auxiu get his head cut off? Who is the person sighing inside the house, singing the words of this Mr. Ye to ask Tu A Xiu to take what, how the human head will sing na? So again involved a whole bunch of questions. After the death of Tu Ah Xiu, the old detective said that at the time he was inside his head directly to this and the Lin House incident, he could not figure out why this series of things will happen in this neighborhood, what is this place, bad feng shui? Later Tu Ah Xiu's ex-husband from Suzhou to identify the body, the old interrogator and he had a little exchange, which many things and a little understanding. Tu Ah Xiu ex-husband said Ah Xiu father's family history, that is, before the old people talk about the stone, in fact, not one, but two stones, the stone carved a lot of tadpole text, simply can read, his old man, that is, Ah Xiu father then met the businessman is Ye Xianguo. This Ye Xianguo seems to know that the stone in the hands of old man Tu, directly to the door, gave 30 yellow fish, a very generous offer.

But the old man Tu then kept an eye out only to say that he only had a stone, it is said that Ye Xianguo then took a stone and left Shanghai in a hurry. Until last year, a man suddenly came to Tu Auxiu and asked her for a stone. After her father's death, Ah Xiu kept another stone in the old mansion, and she simply did not know why her father instructed her to keep the stone before he died. Before he died, old man Tu told her that when the man named Ye left Shanghai, he said he knew that old man Tu had the stone, but he had something very important to do, so he would come back in a few years to get it, and threatened old man Tu that if the stone was sold to someone else, his family's life would end in his hands. At that time, when Ye Xianguo came to Suzhou, he looked 40 years old, and Tu Auxiu was very strange, because when her father met Ye Xianguo, the man was already more than 40, so Tu Auxiu could not confirm the identity of this Ye Xianguo, and refused to promise to tell the whereabouts of the stone. From then on, Tu Ah-Siu began to go out in a trance, often in the middle of the night, and always came back covered in bruises, her husband gradually could not stand such Tu Ah-Siu, so he divorced her. I did not expect that Tu Ah Xiu suddenly decided to go back to Shanghai one day, and then he basically did not have contact with Tu Ah Xiu. The old interrogator thought that maybe the other half of the stone was still in the old house at 139 Anyuan Road. If you use this stone, it is possible to lure Ye Xianguo (or call him Ye Xianguo) to the bait. So the case of the Lin family house can be revealed. But at that time the old detective is no longer a detective, no longer responsible for criminal cases, so he was just curious to think about. Hearing this, I was a little confused, Ye Xianguo's head was not cooked for Tu Auxiu, I asked the old interpol. The old detective said they found just a body without a head, and that the boiled head can not identify who it is, let alone confirm the death is Ye Xianguo. He has always believed that the person Ye Xianguo is not so easy to solve, because he really belongs to the demon class of characters.

The story is not finished... To be continued...

The bizarre extermination case of No. 37 Linjiayuan in Shanghai, China (Story serialization: part 4)

The task force and Shanghai decided by phone to go to Hebei Bazhou once. To see what kind of origin Ye Xianguo and Xu family in the end. The task force came to Hebei Bazhou, according to the information in the archives, the task force found that Ye Xianguo's father was indeed called Ye Xianguo, but Ye Xianguo's grandfather was also called Ye Xianguo, and Ye's family is not what a rich family, but generations in a place called the Jade Emperor Temple as a temple priest. Other information in the file are some of the records of the genealogy of the Ye family, but for the Ye Xianguo this person did not remember much, and did not find consistent road and the Ye family have any connection, the small interrogator said she was helping to query information together so idle also for others do not pay attention to some of the file notes more than a few eyes. The original Ye Xianguo's ancestors came to Bazhou from the Ming Dynasty before the year inherited.

Jade Emperor Temple temple benevolent this position, but also in the Ming Dynasty from the fourth grade such a legal title. Jade Emperor Temple founding ancestor is said to be a disciple of Liu Zhiming of the Northern Taoist immortal school. This Liu Zhiming was a very famous figure in the middle of the Ming Dynasty. He is said to have received three volumes of the Nine Heavenly Myriad Laws, according to which a person can cultivate immortality and have the ability to call the wind and rain.

The local local history has Ye Xian Guo ancestors in Bazhou praying for rain to get the record.

Of course, the small interpol for these accounts only when the folklore view. The task force in Bazhou investigation did not have great results, but to the person's life of Ye Xianguo more shrouded in a layer of mystery like color. This time the Shanghai command center to call, it is said that recently someone saw Ye Xianguo near the Long Hu Mountain in Jiangxi, while the Shanghai Lin House No. 37 is said to have some strange things happened recently. So the task force was divided into two ways, all the way to Jiangxi Longhushan, all the way back to Shanghai to continue to track the progress of the Lin House No. 37.

Small interpol team rushed back to Shanghai, only to learn that the original at the time the Lin House near the start of the construction of a new village of workers, workers in the demolition of the Lin House No. 37 in the underground 3 meters when excavated a large tank, the tank was missing Ye Xianguo's wife and two children.

After a lapse of two years, the Interpol team finally qualified the incident of No. 37 Lin's house as a major criminal case, and it seems that Ye Xianguo's wife's murder and extermination charges were fully established, and issued a Class A wanted notice to the whole country.

Small interpol again to the scene of the incident, only to see the Lin House No. 37 has been razed to the ground, and the excavation of the vat is surprisingly the original location of the parlor, but the Lin House No. 37 a lot of mystery or not solve the missing interpol where to go, the original house in all kinds of strange phenomena in the end how the formation. These can only be solved one by one after the arrest of Ye Xianguo. Two weeks later the Jiangxi team in Jiangxi public security department with the cooperation of the successful in Jiangxi Long Hu Mountain, near the ruins of a dilapidated Taoist temple will be Ye Xianguo captured and sent back to Shanghai.

Due to the special nature of his case, he was held in a special one-man cell at Tilanqiao. He was interrogated by an interrogation expert sent by the Ministry of Public Security. But Chen, a forensic expert, told the police that he had found a problem in the autopsy of Ye's wife and children, and that he had found no corruption in them.

He said at the time simply like a living person, but no signs of life. Not at all like the dead for more than two years. The corpse will be sent to the crematorium after the conclusion of Ye Xianguo's trial. Ye Xianguo was taken back to Shanghai after the interrogation also appeared in the problem, Ye Xianguo whole person like a mental illness, and simply do not say, ask him what he just dull eyes looking at the ceiling. And he returned to Shanghai has not eaten or even water has not been drunk.

A month later the task force and the Ministry of Public Security experts had no clue. The case has been underway for almost three years, after all, Ye Xianguo has been carried out three different levels of mental identification, in an X-ray, when the people present almost scared half to death, because Ye Xianguo surprisingly no brain tissue. A person without brain tissue is simply not the concept of human beings, Ye Xianguo in the end what is something.

I asked him if this case is so final, the police said that the back of the matter is a secret, but the people who know basically left me.

That was the last time to take Ye Xianguo to identify the scene, it was in April 1959, a night, he remembered the next day is the Qingming Festival, they returned to the old Lin House No. 37, that night Shanghai wind is not small, and even a little misty eyes, came to have become ruins of No. 37. Suddenly Ye Xianguo laughed out loud, that kind of laugh is very bizarre. At that time suddenly the whole into the old site of people found around the surprising layer of fog, in charge of security around the armed police fighters also found that it was impossible to see the No. 37 ruins of the Interpol and Ye Xianguo and other people.

Interpol said that night he was also in the periphery, see this situation he wanted to go into the end of the fog to see the situation. When he walked in, he found a number of golden light in the mist, floating in the mist and a lot, he told me that those are the charms, you simply can not get close to these charms. After the fog cleared, Ye Xianguo disappeared, went in the three police officers have been unconscious, and later according to the unconscious police officers recalled that they saw the fog up, with a gun against Ye Xianguo, and then they saw a horrifying sight, has been demolished 37 surprisingly reappeared, they are still in the parlor room, and the second floor and the sound of children's laughter, when they saw Ye Xianguo as if floating away, but walked into the wall and disappeared. At that time, they immediately shot at the wall, but a great force appeared in the wall will instantly knock them out.

These oral interrogators said no one would believe it at all. So Ye Xianguo was finally defined as a family murder case, in the official file inside Ye Xianguo was killed the whole family after suicide. So what exactly is Ye Xianguo?

The old detective said he had a good friend very fond of reading ancient books, when he asked this friend, this friend said this Ye Xianguo is not the ancient time those who have become immortal, perhaps Ye Xianguo is not at all 40 years old but a person who has lived for a long time, his wife and children should have become immortal with him, which explains why the corpse does not rot.

Liu Zhiming got the three volumes of the nine heavenly secret method may have been passed on to Ye Xianguo. As for those fantastical phenomena may also be a blindfold in Daoism, at least Ye Xianguo is good at using the talismanic seal of a mage.

Ye Xianguo disappeared, maybe he entered another dimension. The 37th Lin House was later converted into the so-called 20,000 houses, the new workers' village.

But the story does not end there.

The bizarre extermination case of No. 37 Linjiayuan in Shanghai, China (Story serialization: part 3)

In the winter of 1958, the masses reported a counter-revolutionary element. This person, surnamed Xu, was usually a tanner. After checking this Xu tanner is a consistent Taoist, the so-called consistent Tao is a reactionary feudal Taoist organization, although politically reactionary organizations, but in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas have a small market, so the harm is great. At that time, Shanghai consistent Taoist elements are still relatively rare, it is said that consistent Tao is similar to the late Eastern Han Dynasty Wu Dou Mi Dao, which has a lot of people with strange magic, will be cured by charms, of course, that era to break the Four Olds few people believe in them this set of sophistry. In this Xu account of the consistent Taoist Shanghai organization personnel list inside but the name of the male owner of the Lin House No. 37, then attracted attention, after two years the events of the Lin House No. 37 surfaced again.

The last name Xu also explained an important clue is the Lin House No. 37 a month after the incident Xu tanner had met with the owner of No. 37. The air in the arraignment room that night was unusually heavy. The people involved in the interrogation from midnight until noon the next day, when they came out very angry that this die hard counter-revolutionary elements simply nonsense.

The young criminal police officer did not participate in the interrogation at that time, but years later he had access to the transcripts of that time. The interrogator asked, "Where did you see Ye Xianguo (the male owner of No. 37) and how did you meet him? Xu tanner said: I knew Ye Xianguo when I was a child, it was the 13th year of the Republic of China.

The interrogator said nonsense, Ye Xianguo ID card was born in 1933, how could you have known at that time.

Xu tanner said he swore it was then in his hometown in Henan Fusheng Mountain to see Ye Xianguo.

The most recent sighting of Ye Xianguo was in November 1956 at the Jade Buddha Temple.

The interrogator asked again, what did he tell you, and what status did he belong to in you.

Xu tanner said that the great protector Ye had long ago quit the consistent Taoist organization, I just said hello, he was surprisingly not old at all and younger than when I knew him, but he had a mole on his face so I knew it was him as soon as I saw it.

Xu Tishu left a note on these, that Ye Xianguo surprisingly is the Protector level, then Ye Xianguo in the end when was born, Xu Tishu in the end said whether it is true, this matter in a month after Xu Tishu in the detention center suddenly died a violent death after a layer of doubt.

Xu Tishu's violent death was also very strange, when the three people in the same room said in unison that Xu Tishu that night alone against the wall said a lot of inexplicable words as if arguing and later seemed to be begging someone, they all when Xu Tishu went insane, woke up the next day but found Xu Tishu still sitting facing the wall, but has died, there are no injuries on the body, the most strange is that Xu Tishu's face is unusually The most strange thing is that Xu's face is unusually rosy.

The detention center later did a forensic identification, and did not find any signs of poisoning and so on.

But Xu Tisha faced the wall was later found a line of strange writing, but a while later disappeared, according to the same inmates said that like a line of charms like something specific to write what is not clear at all.

Xu tanner's death undoubtedly to the events of the Lin House No. 37 painted a termination symbol. A strange event a strange death, this kind of thing at all no conclusion.

The task force reviewed all the files of Ye Xianguo found Ye Xianguo's father was also called Ye Xianguo.

But this old Ye Xianguo also has no death records, so whether Xu Tishuo know is Ye Xianguo's father, according to Xu Tishuo's description of his acquaintance with Ye Xianguo should have been almost 40 years old, to 1956 this old Ye Xianguo should be more than 70 years old, and definitely not more than 30 years old Ye Xianguo. More and more questions. So the task force decided to make a final effort, on the one hand, in Shanghai secretly wanted Ye Xianguo, on the other hand, sent a special team to Xu leather maker's hometown of Fu Niu mountain investigation and evidence.

Fu Niu Mountain was the place where Li Zicheng, the leader of the peasant rebellion in the late Ming Dynasty, was said to have a dragon's breath.

Before liberation, there were also bandits, and legend has it that there were many caves left behind by thieves in Fuyushan Mountain, and the Consistent Way was also very rampant in the Fuyushan Mountain area back then, and there were also relics such as pagodas set up by the Consistent Way in the mountain. After liberation, with the strengthening of the people's democratic dictatorship and the Liberation Army's repeated eradication, Fu Niu Mountain restored a rare calm, Xu tanner that village is located on the outskirts of Fusheng Mountain, a place called Xujiakou, the village inside only 10 families, so the scope of the investigation is not large.

Small interrogators also participated in this deposition.

Many people who came to Xujiatun no longer know the existence of the person Xu Tisheng, because Xu Tisheng's family has no one. But the village elders said that the ancestors of the family of the tinker originally moved here from Bazhou in Hebei, I heard that it was also a large family, and then the tinker's grandfather was obsessed with Taoism, suddenly moved to the small village to settle in Vu Niu Mountain.

The investigation team asked some things about the person Ye Xianguo, an old man said he remembered this person, but at the time this Ye Xianguo is said to be a feng shui gentleman and Xu tanner's grandfather is an old acquaintance or fellow villagers. Ye Xianguo's ancestral home is indeed Bazhou, Hebei.

Before leaving the old man said you should go to Xu Tishu's home to see.

Xu Pi maker's home is located on top of a small hillock, due to years of uninhabited, from a distance can also be seen in this small village more gorgeous buildings, from a distance like a fortress, the task force entered the Xu family, most of the houses have been wrecked, an attentive female comrades suddenly saw some strange symbols carved on the far mile of the water well circle. The task force did not have experts in religion, so they photographed it and waited to return to Shanghai before making a conclusion.

The story is not finished... To be continued...

The bizarre extermination case of No. 37 Linjiayuan in Shanghai, China (Story serialization: part 2)

They entered the house when they found the same as that night, the ground is still black human blood, and the small detective heard the sound of children laughing on the second floor, that time close to noon, the small detective was a little baffled on the spot, together with the police station comrades also showed a stunned expression, they ran up to the second floor, but found the original stroller on the ground floor on the stairway but empty at all.

Back to the bureau, the small criminal police reported the situation truthfully, we are very puzzled, that time coincided with the campaign period, we feel odd, but did not say whether it was a bizarre event.

About ten days later, the police station comrades said, according to the neighbors reflect the Lin House No. 37 last night, the second floor lights up. So the leaders of the task force said that this is not weird, maybe this place is what the secret service stronghold, decided to wait for the night ambush. That night was very cold and gloomy, we ambushed around the house.

By midnight when the second floor lights up, rather than light more like a fire. So the lead detective signaled everyone to enter the house, leaving two people outside in case the spies escaped, so three people entered the house, and the young detective was one of them, and there was no strange blood inside the house after entering the house. They quietly walked up to the second floor when no one paid attention to the door closed behind them. The first to the second floor is the last name of the interrogator Huang, he suddenly saw the small interrogator followed by a very horrible expression on his face, the small interrogator went up to take a look, also froze, the second floor and the usual very different, completely large family living room look, there is a very large dining table, from the dining table hanging down a snow-white arm, the arm is still dripping bright red blood, is dripping to the floor.

The interrogator walking at the end suddenly said there was something weird, the young interrogator turned around and saw what was dragging the interrogator, the interrogator showed a frightened expression, the young interrogator was so scared that his legs went weak, at this time suddenly also heard the music of the old phonograph and the sound of children's laughter, he recalled afterwards was very panicked, years later I can still appreciate the horror in his eyes, they were not playing flashlights, the young interrogator recalled At that time, the second floor was very bright, they could only see the arm suddenly the lights went out, and nothing sounded inside the house. People who stayed outside the door later said that they waited outside for ten minutes and heard no sound inside, so they rushed in.

At that time, three police officers went in together, but only two people remained, that the last police officers upstairs disappeared. Things began to get more serious. When the young detective later recalled that the lights went out to the people outside broke in the middle of that moment he felt a red shadow in front of his eyes, and the missing detective also screamed, and later people came in flashlight illumination when he only saw the detective in front of him and he was lying in the parlor room inside.

At that time the branch and the city inside the criminal investigation experts and the East China Military Division and the Ministry of Public Security experts have secretly come here to investigate, but the whole house and no strange places even what dark passages and walls and so on do not exist, so the secret service is ruled out. So who was the one who reported the crime, the technology was not as developed as it is now, so there is no way to verify where the call came from.

The missing detective was later notified as a sacrifice on duty, but the case as an unsolved case has been put, because it is too bizarre so the parties have also been transferred from the police force, after a few years only small detective still remain in the Interpol team, another old detective after that incident has been less stable spirit also retired early from illness. The bureau leadership asked the public to strictly prohibit the disclosure of that night's events. Lin's residence 37 has been uninhabited since then, no one even dares to approach there during the day.

But it's not over yet...

The bizarre extermination case of No. 37 Linjiayuan in Shanghai, China (Story serialization: part 1)

When I was a child living next door to an old detective, because of the young involved in personal life style problems early retirement in the early 80s, he told me some things according to him in the Shanghai Public Security Bureau files can not be found inside, do not know whether it is true or not, but later and some of that era of the elderly asked, some things are surprisingly real. The old detective told me there was a case that had been very peculiar and continued for many years.

The whole thing starts with the 1956 Wuning Road bloodbath.

In 1956, the Wuning Road is still farmland and some farm houses along the street as well as some factory warehouses, the old interpol said there was a sparse population at that time, there were basically few people active at night, at that time it just belonged to Putuo District, the district government just moved to Puxiong Road not much time, he was assigned to the Interpol as a police officer just graduated from the police academy, there is a small residential area not far from the Public Security Bureau. Of course, at that time, the residential area is just some thatched village.

One night he was on duty, the phone rang in the middle of the night. The phone started with a gasp, and then a male or female voice said he had killed someone and had come to turn himself in, the voice was very strange, and the phone was very noisy.

The era of private phones are rare, usually inside the factory or public phones, but public phones at this time basically can not play. At that time, the police asked where the person inside the phone, he said in a residential area three streets away from the Public Security Bureau. The interrogators felt that the situation was very serious, and immediately reported to the director on duty, while informing the local police station. So the bureau can immediately mobilize several criminal police officers were mobilized. At that time, the road was very potholed, they were riding a three-wheeled motorcycle to the residential area, at this time it was dark and could not hear anything, an old detective asked the detective who answered the phone is which house, the detective said it was the Lin House No. 37.

With a flashlight to find No. 37, only to see a local house or brick walls. Push open the outside of this plate door there is a small yard, the interrogator recalled that just into the yard, you see a small whirlwind rolled up leaves on the ground, the atmosphere is very strange, the interrogator loudly asked the house inside someone felling. But no one answered, the house is not lit inside.

Push the door to find the wooden door was topped from the inside. This time the police station police also came. They routinely understand the situation, the original owner of the house fled to Taiwan before liberation, and now the owner of the house was transferred from Hebei to Shanghai to work a man surnamed Ye, the family of four people, surnamed Ye's wife is a cripple, two children, a boy and a girl. This time the old interpol said to find something to top the door.

Small interrogators say it is better to knock on the glass window to enter. The old detective said to pay attention to safety. So they knocked on the glass window, and then the young detective jumped in. The young detective was the one who answered the phone and later relayed the story. He was with a flashlight, but just jumped into the house did not open, after going in and found standing wet feet, the room inside are the smell of blood, and very dark, the small interrogator was very scared, followed the old interrogator came in, but the landing did not stand firm, slipped on the ground old interrogator also felt that the ground is not right, so stand up and open the flashlight to see their body full of blood, the small interrogator more panic, so the two People fumbled to the light switch, open the light was stunned.

This is a parlor room about four square size, only a dining table and a stroller, only to see the ground are dark red liquid, has not reached the bare feet. The young detective said these are what, the old detective is still calm, whispered that this is human blood. The young detective said in a shaky voice how there are so many people blood. After the wooden door was opened, the comrades of the police station went back to call and continue to report to the city's criminal investigation team, leaving the old detective and small detective and two police officers to investigate the scene.

The young detective later recalled that the situation was very strange, the two-story building they looked up and down a person did not, but the blood on the ground in the end who is the owner and where to go. According to the forensic scientist said that the blood is at least six people. But this family but only four people, neighbors said that the family a few months ago the woman took two children back to her mother's house, the male owner or a few days missing. So who was the person who reported the incident in the middle of the night?

About a month after the incident, one day the police got a report from the neighborhood committee, saying that a few children were playing around when they got out of school and found the door of the 37th Lin house was open. We all know that generally this kind of site is posted with a seal. And the male owner of the house was also determined to be missing after the investigation. The investigation team also went to the old home of the mistress, also said that simply did not come back, so unless the owner back or is a thief went in.

Neighbors also know that strange things happen there so it is not going in. The task force sent a small criminal police and the local police station comrades together to check.

Stranger things have happened...

The bizarre extermination case of No. 37 Linjiayuan in Shanghai, China (Story serialization: part 5)

When I was a kid, the old detective liked to take me to play, sometimes running to a place he would tell me some anecdotes, maybe he was too lonely. I have been asking him about how Ye Xianguo later and so on, he is also tight-lipped, once he and I passed An Yuan Road, an alley mouth, he was tired that day, sitting on the side of the road smoking, he said there was a case here before, but also with Ye Xianguo that thing a little related, I said Ye Xianguo appeared again. He took a cigarette and said you do not rush, I tell you a story about a human head, I was very timid, but also very eager to listen.

The story is about the winter of 1963, when Shanghai was very cold in winter. This alley was on Anyuan Road, which goes through to Changshou Road. This alley also has a name called West Beach, as to why it is called West Beach, the old detective said because before the liberation of Suzhou River often flooded, this place was once a piece of mudflat. After the longevity of the road there is the cotton factory, so many textile workers live in this area of the West Beach. The old detective pointed to a courtyard at the entrance of the alley and said that the story happened here, and he asked me what you found different about this house.

Indeed this house looks a little old, next to some of the houses belonging to illegal structures and this house but the courtyard is clearly there are a few points of grandeur. The old detective said 139 Anyuan Road is one of the earliest houses in West Beach, originally a rich farmer, has been preserved until now. At that time, this compound was living in three families, the west wing has been no one live.

At that time, the old criminal police officer had been assigned to the police station, just in charge of this area of the West Beach, one day when he was sorting out the household register found that there were actually four families at 139 Anyuan Road, the fourth family seems to have been no one there after liberation, the family surnamed Tu.

At that time, when the Five Anti-Movement was underway, the political atmosphere was strong, and the masses were very alert to some class enemies. But the West Beach, a gathering of workers, but also dogs and chickens, but leisurely. So the old detective at that time was often walking from house to house day he was chatting with some old people, an old man said to him, do you know who the original owner of 139, this house was originally a Tu family, about this Tu was an ordinary farmer, I do not know why he one day in the north bank of the Suzhou River is the Wuning Road, when he helped others to do long labor from the ground to dig a stone He said that the stone was engraved with something and happened to meet a businessman who came to Shanghai from abroad and bought it at a high price. Perhaps it is a valuable antique, another old man said, from then on this Tu surname will be rich.

Many plots of land here used to be his family's. The old interrogator asked then why this house now his family has no descendants living there. The old man said there is a daughter should be married out. But occasionally will come back, outside people will be treated as if there is no Tu family inside.

One day, the cotton six factory security section called a phone call, said the factory occurred in a murder case, the old detective after all is the origin of the criminal police, so and a few colleagues immediately rushed to the cotton six factory to control the scene. The security section officer let the party canteen Gu aunt described the situation, the cotton factory canteen is in the factory next to a lane inside, one day after the workers finished dining, Gu aunt found responsible for washing vegetables Tu Auxiu in a small room inside the stove, look at the situation is cooking something, Gu aunt said then smelled like burning hooves very fragrant, when the supply of pork was very tight, Gu aunt suspected Tu Auxiu is not stealing Auntie Gu suspected that Tu Ah Xiu was not stealing the meat from the public, so she went inside the hut to ask Tu Ah Xiu, but Tu Ah Xiu ignored her for half a day and continued to fan the stove, as if she was afraid that the fire was not strong enough.

Auntie Gu said she got angry on the spot. You all know that textile workers are very spirited, after taking down the fan, Tu Auxiu mouth does not know what's humming inside a motionless, Auntie Gu lifted the lid of the pot, a hot gas filled the air, the fragrance is very strange than the meat, Auntie Gu said when also a little nauseous, she described a human head floating inside the pot, she passed out at that time. She woke up and found that Tu Auxiu was missing, and reported to the security section. The criminal police asked who this Tu Auxiu was, and the security officer said that after understanding the verification, this Tu Auxiu was a native of Shanghai, but married to Suzhou and returned to Shanghai a few years ago, and was said to have some mental problems. At that time, the streets arranged for her to do odd jobs inside the factory, but usually nothing. So who is that head do you know, the security section officer said, the head has been cooked rotten simply can not see clearly look. The detective realized that he had to find Tuasiu immediately. So he called the branch of the Interpol team, coincidentally an old colleague on duty, immediately that afternoon, the branch sent to the scene forensics and instructed the security section first do not publicize, and then informed the City Bureau to let people in the station dock respectively strict investigation.

The story is not finished... To be continued...

Horror! The head-subjugation technique is actually real? It actually kills people invisibly!

Head-subjugation is a sequence that we often see in movies, brutally putting a living being to death. Thailand's sorcery is particularly prominent. China's Sichuan, Yunnan and other compulsions and surrender is also a deep origin, so surrender is real? Is it really as deadly as in the movie? The following for you to reveal the séance!

Head surrender, from a step-by-step perspective, lies in the "surrender" and the "head". The "surrender" refers to the spell or medicine and compulsion used to cast the spell; the "head" refers to the individual being cast, and includes the "individual contact grasp" of the individual being cast.

And "medicine down" and "compulsion", like the indigenous women of the South Pacific region, it is commonly used to deal with negative lovers, in order to prevent the other party to cheat on their feelings, breaking the promise to come back to marry, so before the other party left, the drug will fall in the food, so that the other party will be mixed with the drug food to eat.
However, this is only a statement, in fact, surrenders are used in many places, women use surrenders are to keep the beloved man, while some places use surrenders are to be able to harm people, which is reflected in many film and television productions.

a).Yin Yang grass surrender technique

It is said that the yin and yang grasses grow together, one thick and one thin, the thick being the yang and the thin being the yin, and they usually grow together.
After the surrender, the herb will grow quietly in the human body until a certain amount, then it will be derived at an alarming rate. At this time, the victim will inexplicably start a high fever, and then die of madness! When they die, the yin and yang grass will come out of their bodies, and the dead body will look like a scarecrow.
The scary thing about this type of séance is that it is the most difficult "absolute séance" in the séance world, and the only way to die is to wait for it.