Horror! The head-subjugation technique is actually real? It actually kills people invisibly!

Head-subjugation is a sequence that we often see in movies, brutally putting a living being to death. Thailand's sorcery is particularly prominent. China's Sichuan, Yunnan and other compulsions and surrender is also a deep origin, so surrender is real? Is it really as deadly as in the movie? The following for you to reveal the séance!

Head surrender, from a step-by-step perspective, lies in the "surrender" and the "head". The "surrender" refers to the spell or medicine and compulsion used to cast the spell; the "head" refers to the individual being cast, and includes the "individual contact grasp" of the individual being cast.

And "medicine down" and "compulsion", like the indigenous women of the South Pacific region, it is commonly used to deal with negative lovers, in order to prevent the other party to cheat on their feelings, breaking the promise to come back to marry, so before the other party left, the drug will fall in the food, so that the other party will be mixed with the drug food to eat.
However, this is only a statement, in fact, surrenders are used in many places, women use surrenders are to keep the beloved man, while some places use surrenders are to be able to harm people, which is reflected in many film and television productions.

a).Yin Yang grass surrender technique

It is said that the yin and yang grasses grow together, one thick and one thin, the thick being the yang and the thin being the yin, and they usually grow together.
After the surrender, the herb will grow quietly in the human body until a certain amount, then it will be derived at an alarming rate. At this time, the victim will inexplicably start a high fever, and then die of madness! When they die, the yin and yang grass will come out of their bodies, and the dead body will look like a scarecrow.
The scary thing about this type of séance is that it is the most difficult "absolute séance" in the séance world, and the only way to die is to wait for it.

Is the Bell Witch incident a very strange case of a ghost killing people?

The Bell Witch incident was a very eerie case of ghostly murder, as described by the seventh President of the United States, Andrew Jackson, who said, "I would rather face the entire British fleet than spend one night in the Bell home." Strange things often happened in this very eerie town, such as the Bell Witch incident, which even scientists cannot explain.

The Bell Witch murders in Tennessee, USA are very famous and have been confirmed by the US government as a paranormal killing incident, marking the first time the US government has recognized such an event. This paranormal incident is well-known in the United States and has brought considerable panic to the locals in Tennessee. Some people even erected a tombstone for her in hopes of finding peace. She destroyed the Bell family and caused their deaths one by one, becoming a demon in people's minds, hence the name "Bell Witch".

In the year 1800, John Bell and his family moved to Tennessee and purchased a lot of land, which made them wealthy landowners in the area. John also served as an elder in the Red River Baptist Church. A few years after they moved, John's three children were born.

One day in 1817, while busy in the field, Bell suddenly saw a strange creature with the head of a rabbit and the body of a dog. When he tried to get a better look, the creature disappeared. But from that point on, they frequently encountered strange happenings. The first time was when they were awoken in the middle of the night by screams, but when Bell and his son went out to investigate, they could not find the source of the noise.

General Jackson was a tamer of witches. During this taming, a usually brave warhorse was unable to move forward. Sensing that something was wrong, General Jackson encouraged his soldiers loudly, telling them not to fear the Bell Witch. But before he could finish speaking, he heard the Bell Witch say to him, "I'll see you tonight." After the witch finished speaking, the horse inexplicably ran, carrying its rider to John Bell's farm.

General Jackson was dominated by fear, and at this very moment, he suddenly let out a scream. He felt a force hitting him and he was in excruciating pain all over his body. Then he was pulled by this force and taken outside, disappearing into the wilderness. No one dared to come forward to help him when they heard his screams.

After this incident, John also began to feel unwell. He felt like he couldn't breathe and couldn't eat, so he became increasingly weak. In 1820, he heard a woman calling his name in his ear, her voice was very mournful and there was a force that was hitting him. He could no longer hold on and lay in bed.

In late 1820, John's condition had deteriorated beyond recovery, and he passed away a few days after falling into a coma. Strangely, his son found a small bottle containing green liquid by his bedside, which he found highly suspicious. He used the liquid to feed a kitten, and the kitten died, leading him to suspect that someone had poisoned his father. While investigating the matter, John's son heard a woman's voice, which told him that she had poisoned his father and did so to free him. However, there was no one around him, and he was terrified. During John's elaborate funeral, the voice of the woman was heard again, causing great fear among the attendees.

Why do Chinese zombies wear Qing dynasty official robes?

Most Chinese people have probably watched the zombie movies starring Lam Ching-ying, a Hong Kong artist. At that time, the zombie movie genre had just emerged, but it had already reached its peak. No one has made any classic zombie movies like Lam's since then. The unchanging zombies in Qing dynasty official robes, clichéd and boring plots, and poor acting are all problems. So the question is, why are all zombie movies obsessed with Qing dynasty official robes?

The reason why zombies wear Qing Dynasty official costumes has a great connection with the Manchu's entry into China proper in the past. When the Manchus established the Qing Dynasty by entering Shanhaiguan, they learned from the lessons of the Yuan Dynasty's rulers being assimilated by Han culture and eventually perished. Therefore, the Manchus promoted Manchu culture throughout the country, including making Han people wear Manchu clothes and cutting their hair in the Manchu style.

This policy of the Qing Dynasty was strongly resisted by the Han people, and as a result, the Qing Dynasty resorted to massacres to solve the problem. This led to massacre events such as the Ten Days of Yangzhou, the Three Massacres of Jiading, and the Sichuan Massacre. At that time, the whole country was full of corpses, and in the southern region, there arose the profession of corpse transporters, who were responsible for transporting corpses back to their hometowns. In order to save labor, a method was invented that allowed the corpses to walk in a jumping motion alongside the transporter, which is also the earliest prototype of zombies.

Therefore, the Qing Dynasty created too much killing and caused dissatisfaction among the people. Dressing the corpses in Qing official robes was a way to show contempt for the Qing Dynasty. In addition, in ancient times, it was traditional to add glory to the deceased, and portraits were always depicted in official clothing. Therefore, wearing official clothing after death became a tradition. Later, in movies, the fixed image of a Qing Dynasty zombie wearing official clothing was formed.

In addition, many filmmakers follow the latest trends and often jump on the bandwagon of popular themes. After the first zombie movie received widespread acclaim, many people copied its settings to shoot movies of the same genre. Therefore, the setting of zombies wearing Qing Dynasty clothing was passed down.

In addition, the official uniforms of the Qing Dynasty were mainly blue and black, which gives people a gloomy feeling. When combined with the pale or terrifying faces of zombies, it can create a good atmosphere of horror. Therefore, zombies in movies have always been dressed in Qing Dynasty official uniforms. In some TV dramas, even the four ancient zombie kings from a distant era are dressed in Qing Dynasty official uniforms, which is somewhat regrettable.

50,000 mysterious missing soldiers of ancient Persia vanished in an instant! Suspected to have been buried alive in the desert?

In the 6th century BC, Persian Emperor Cambyses II led an army to invade Egypt. On the way of the attack, a 50,000-strong army suddenly disappeared. The mysterious disappearance of the ancient Persian army aroused great interest among archaeologists around the world. Archaeologists discovered a large number of bodies of the missing Persian army in the desert.

According to European history, a Persian army of 50,000 people arrived at an oasis town after a six-day journey. However, on the seventh day after arriving at the town, the entire army of 50,000 people suddenly disappeared, with no indication of where the missing Persian army went.

The legend of the Ammonites goes like this: The expedition left the small town and entered the Ammonite desert. When the legion reached the middle between Ammon and the oasis, it stopped eating and suddenly a fierce south wind blew and buried the Persian legion alive. The mysterious disappearance of the ancient Persian army has attracted great interest from archaeologists around the world.

The mysterious disappearance of the ancient Persian army has sparked great interest in the field of archaeology. Since the 18th century, people have been searching for the remains of the army, but no one has found anything. Therefore, many scholars believe that this is just a story by Herodotus. However, the discovery by these two Italian archaeologists is expected to prove Herodotus's innocence. Angeno and Alfredo are brothers who were renowned in the golden city of Egypt twenty years ago.

Angeno and Alfredo have been researching the disappeared Persian army since 1996. In 2004, they organized an inspection team to excavate in the target area. The research team used modern technology to conduct the investigation. First, they surveyed the topography of the desert area to reduce the historical analysis of Herodotus, and used ground-penetrating radar to locate the metal carried by soldiers to narrow down their place of death.

The research team first excavated iron near Siwa and soon discovered a cave in a place called Harga. This kind of cave is common in the desert, but it is the only one in Harga. The size of the cave is very suitable for avoiding sandstorms.

The ancient Persian soldiers' inspection team excavated dry bones and copper in the cave. They also excavated silver arm rings, earrings, and collars near the cave. Experts compared the Acheminid artifacts previously unearthed in Turkey to determine that these artifacts belong to Gambisis II in the 5th century BC. The inspection team also found hundreds of bone graves, and it is believed that more remains of the disappeared Persian army have been found in the area.

Perhaps this discovery can uncover the mysterious story of the Persian army. Archaeologists have found some white bone graves buried in this area. More remains of the Persian army can also be found. The mystery of the disappeared Persian army will eventually be uncovered one by one.

Exposing the mysterious black magic of India! Can it make the body enter a tomb?


There is a mysterious black magic in India that makes the body more exhilarating than ancient bodies. This is one of the most mysterious black magic in Indian traditional culture. This terrifying body-chasing ritual is unacceptable. If someone touches the body, they can no longer walk.

This mysterious black magic ritual is little known. The graves of the deceased are located deep in the mountains. Local residents hope that the dark spirits will be active in the last moments of the deceased's life. The prerequisite for the body is that no one can touch it after the death of the deceased. Once they touch it, the deceased cannot walk on their own through the magic.

To save money, members of the Sualah tribe have their shamans go to the gravesite and have the dark spirits accompany their loved ones in their final moments. Sometimes, other members of the family treat the deceased as a sick person. The graves in the Sualah tribe are rarely buried underground, most of them are coffins. As the graves are located in the mountains, family members place wooden portraits near the burial site, rather than the body of the deceased.

Similar to the mysterious black magic, in western Hunan since ancient times, there have been two requirements: courage and good health. One must go to the teacher. The person who drives the body will never accept an apprentice. The apprentice is set by the parents and then they must undergo an interview.

Generally, people over 16 years old who are over 1.7 meters tall and have a very special appearance that looks a bit ugly are considered. They must let the examiner see the sun in the sky, and suddenly stop and immediately tell you if you cannot distinguish it, you cannot be hired. Because at this point, you cannot catch up with the direction of the body at night.

Drive away the family of that person, just like ordinary farmers, the sun never rests. Only when they receive a body operation, do they pretend to chase after their body. Although they chase after the body, they taboo the word "body." Therefore, experts require them to pull out their body and say, "Master, please walk your foot or feet."

If the coroner agrees, he will take out a special yellow paper, ask you to write the name of the deceased on the yellow paper, and then draw a line on the yellow paper. Finally, hide the yellow paper on your body. What do you think about the mysterious black magic body in India?

Did Chinese astronaut Yang Liwei see aliens knocking on his spacecraft door while in space?

Earlier, Yang Liwei said in an interview that he heard strange knocking in space, as if someone had knocked on you again. However, so far, the source of this sound has not been understood. There are also many netizens on the Internet who say that Yang Liwei saw people and even believed that the knocking was the visit of extraterrestrials. But even if Yang Liwei saw aliens, he wouldn't reveal it.

There is a rumor that Yang Liwei saw aliens and was knocked on by them. Later, it was said that Yang Liwei's face was covered in blood when he left the cabin because he was attacked by aliens. But all of these are just speculations. We can only guess because our understanding of space is too limited.

In an interview after returning from space, Yang Liwei said he heard a strange sound. It wasn't a scream or a wooden hammer. He said it wasn't an outside sound or a ship sound, it was like someone knocking on the ship from the outside. He was nervous and worried that there was something wrong with the spacecraft, but every time he heard the noise, he lay at the door and saw nothing. This caused intense debate, with some even believing that Yang Liwei saw aliens, but there are still many other possibilities.

According to data from NASA, there are over 4,000 abandoned man-made objects and rocket bodies in Earth's orbit, and about 6,000 pieces of space debris that can be seen and tracked. Most of these are moving at high speeds. Objects in orbit pose a serious threat to spacecraft. Spaceships can collide with each other when traveling around the Earth. So the knocking sound that Yang Liwei heard may have been the sound of a spacecraft.

Regarding the curiosity and mystery of the universe, we believed that aliens and the knocking sound were linked to the existence of aliens. Although humans have sent out many signals into space, the existence of aliens has not been discovered for a long time. So far, there is no strong evidence to prove the existence of aliens. It is said on the Internet that Yang Liwei's sighting of aliens was just a rumor.

Later, Yang Liwei explained it himself. He said that when the project structure or pressure changes, noise may be normal. He also said that the sound heard by astronauts during spaceflight helps them communicate in detail with researchers after returning to Earth.

Yang Liwei said, "My nerves were tested by the intense flashes during the spacecraft's flight. The ship came out of the telemetry area and entered a brief night. I was sitting in my seat and suddenly saw a shining light outside the window. I was surprised and thought, 'Wow, why is it so bright?'"

Looking out from the portal, I noticed that the flashing light was gone. I wondered if there was any problem with the spacecraft. Quickly, I returned to the dashboard and checked all the data and systems of the spacecraft. So when the spacecraft entered the shadow again (equivalent to night), I was waiting on the porch early to see if a similar situation would happen, but the flashing light did not appear.

If you encounter an emergency in space, you will feel nervous. But I knew why you had to find the cause first! So I tried to search the data on the spacecraft dashboard again to see if there was any problem. He lay on the porthole and looked closely at the surface of the ship, even inspecting the rivets, trying to think about what would bring light.

Before my third entry into the darkness, I lay in the window, waiting for a beam of light on the ground to illuminate and disappear in the dark. I immediately knew it was lightning on the ground.


Unveiling the truth about the 1976 Tangshan Ghost Army passing incident in China.

In 1976, there was an incident in Tangshan, China where a ghost army passed by. During the Tangshan earthquake, when troops from a certain unit went to rescue, they encountered the ghost army passing through. What exactly happened in this incident?

In many places, we have heard of the phenomenon of ghost soldiers passing by, and even in the supernatural events at the Forbidden City in China, we often hear of such things. Many people have seen palace maids in the Forbidden City, so visitors are not allowed inside after 5 pm, and the Forbidden City is very eerie at 5 pm. Subsequently, we learned about the relatively large-scale incident in 1976, where the Chinese Liberation Army encountered ghost soldiers passing by.

After the Tangshan earthquake, a group of PLA troops participating in disaster relief had just entered the Tangshan area. After receiving the mission, they immediately set off. The cars they used were several decades old and their performance was not very good, but the army still maintained them very well. However, when they were about an hour away from the Tangshan earthquake zone, all the cars in the unit suddenly broke down. The soldiers suddenly received orders from above to move all the cars to the right side of the road. At 8:15 pm, they were ordered to get back in the car and not say anything no matter what they saw. They were just made to sit in the car.

Have you ever been startled awake by the sound of galloping horse hooves before falling into a half-awake, half-asleep state after sitting for too long? What's even more bizarre is that there were horse-drawn carriages carrying something on the unseen road ahead. There were many carriages, and the PLA soldiers saw them passing by their unit, heading towards the Tangshan disaster area. At that time, after the Tangshan earthquake, it was like a dead city. How could there be so many carriages in a dead city? The key point was that there were no drivers on the carriages, only the carriages.

As the carriages approached, the PLA soldiers were shocked to see what was being carried on the carriages – all human heads. According to the PLA's recollection, there were about 200 carriages, and this many carriages passed by them. The soldiers were not allowed to move according to orders from their superiors, but they estimated that these carriages had carried away about 240,000 human heads.

After these horse-drawn carriages passed by, all of the stalled vehicles could start normally. Afterward, through statistical analysis, it was discovered that the death toll of the Tangshan earthquake was also about 240,000, which surprised the soldiers. Could it be that the phenomenon of the ghost soldiers borrowing the road was caused by the underworld guides collecting the souls of those who died in the Tangshan earthquake and bringing them back to the afterlife?

The legend of ghost soldiers borrowing the road has always been very popular, and many people say that those with poor health who encounter ghost soldiers borrowing the road will fall seriously ill afterwards. There are also ghost soldiers who seek out substitutes to be taken away in their place.